And the mashups continue...
...with Night of the Living Trekkies. Which I feel has potential.
Although, contrary to the quote in the article, there already HAVE been genre books set at cons -- three murder mysteries immediately come to mind: Die for Love, Bimbos of the Death Sun, and Murder at the ABA. Although I guess only Bimbos is set at an actual con with fanboys. The other two are at professional conventions, but fandom does figure in.
Still, though. Let's give the older books some respect, shall we?
(Speaking of Quirk, I'm reading Dawn of the Dreadfuls right now, which I'm enjoying WAAAAYYY more than P&P&Z. Not that that would take much. I didn't even finish P&P&Z. More on that when I've finished. And I'm going to give that Abe Lincoln one a try -- a patron told me yesterday that he's halfway through it and LOVING it.)
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