Gerald Allen, meet Sally Kern.
You remember Gerald Allen, right? He's the Alabama State Representative who wanted to prevent public libraries from buying books by or about gay people.
Sally Kern is going about things differently, but it all amounts to the same censor-happy thing:
A bill is heading to the state Oklahoma House that would withhold state money from public libraries if they don't move books with gay themes and on sexuality out of children's areas.
In another article, she says:
"It's protecting the future of our children," she said. "Sex is not bad. Sex is not wrong. It's the misuse of it."
Misuse of it. What does that even mean? Please explain.
You'll also be glad to know that she's assured citizens that:
"I'm not a Nazi. I believe in free speech," Kern said. "But for every right we have, there is a responsibility."
You say potato, I say potahto. You say the government has the right and the responsibility to control what our kids read, I say that we have a responsibility to protect our kids' freedom to read.