Kirkus Autumn Preview.

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I want to read:

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War -- Max Brooks

If it has the word "zombie" in the title, I'm there.  Also, the author is a fan of Shaun of the Dead.  (Then again, who isn't?)  Still haven't read his Survival Guide, though.  Gotta get on that.

Fragile Things -- Neil Gaiman

I don't think I need to explain myself.

London Calling -- Edward Bloor
Wide Awake -- David Levithan

Already blathered about these.

Saint Iggy -- K. L. Going

I've heard that it's a sobfest, but if Going writes it, I'll read it.

Larklight -- Philip Reeve

Already read it, hopefully have the time to post about it today.  It's been abominably busy at the library and I'm pooped.

BooksLeila RoyComment