Later, Dewey!


When the new Gilbert library opens next month, it will be the first public library in the nation whose entire collection will be categorized without the Dewey Decimal Classification System, Maricopa County librarians say.

Instead, tens of thousands of books in the Perry Branch library will be shelved by topic, similar to the way bookstores shelve books. The demise of the century-old Dewey Decimal system is overdue, county librarians say: It's just too confusing for people to hunt down books using those long strings of numbers and letters. Dewey essentially arranges books by topic and assigns call numbers for each book.

Since the Dewey system ALREADY has the books in order by topic, wouldn't it be easier to keep the system and just add lots of signs*?  Or maybe teach people to use the card catalog?

*I refuse to use the word signage.  I hate it.