Robert Munsch: not universally beloved?
Well, DUH.
I find it odd that this columnist found the anti-Love You Forever sentiment surprising:
"I've heard people say that Love You Forever is actually a book about stalking," says Adkin.
Stalking? Offensive? She's kidding, right?
It isn't that I find it offensive -- it just gives me a big case of the icks.
Munsch is quoted as saying, "If you don't like to think about your family of origin, it's a terrible book". Okay. For me, that isn't the problem. I looooove my family of origin. They're fantastic. But the idea of one of them climbing a ladder into my bedroom in the middle of the night, taking me out of bed and rocking me while I'm asleep? Or the idea of me doing that to one of them? Ewww. Lack of Boundaries, meet Crossing the Line.
I could maybe be accused of reading it too literally, I guess. But, still. Yick.
Anyway, the exhibit sounds like fun.