My weekend fun.

Mvc001x_2One old, beat-up copy of The Long Secret*, one crappy blender, an X-acto knife and some handy-dandy papermaking stuff resulted in these:

As usual, lame photo quality, and the Mod Podge created some glare.  Also, my handmade paper came out looking suspiciously like paper towels.  Damn.  Next time, I'll mix the Old Book Pulp with some Other Pulp & see what happens.

I cut the margins off the pages, chopped 'em up, blenderized 'em and made new paper.  Then I picked some of my favorite illustrations and passages/phrases from the book and made some super-DIY, super-book-geek (super tan -- blecch) greeting cards.

Now I just need some friends to send them to.

*What!?  You haven't read it?  I realize this may result in some verbal beatings, but I always liked it more than Harriet the Spy.

