Not Flesh Nor Feathers -- Cherie Priest

Before you jump all over me for "bragging" about reading this one ahead of time, let me at least say this:  I only hurt myself.  Now that I've read it, all I want to do is talk about how AWESOME it is, and there's no one I can talk to.  (Unless... Colleen?)  So, yeah.  I'm the one in pain.

Not Flesh Nor FeathersPity me.

Transcript from a voice mail I left while reading it:

"So, I'm three-quarters of the way through the third Eden Moore book, and it RULES.  Freaking [one-word spoiler here]!!  'Kay bye."

I don't want to give anything away, but I have lots to talk about, including the scene that made all the hair on my arms* stand up because it made me flash back to Finagle A Bagel on 9/11, standing there in a big crowd of people, staring at the television.

I'll write more about it when we're closer to the pub date.

So what's up, Cherie Priest?  Is this the last Eden Moore book?

*Gross, sorry.  But it's true.