So what will they say when there's no room for the new books?

From the Cornwall Standard Freeholder:

When Barbara Gale learned that thousands of books from her beloved library system would be heading to an Alexandria recycling plant, she took action.

"We went in and picked some of the best, some of the worst, some of everything," said Gale, one of six South Glengarry residents who checked almost 300 books out from the library in Lancaster before the branch's collection was scheduled to be culled in July.

Okay.  Weeding the collection is not an act of the Evil Librarians.  It has to happen periodically, to get rid of out-of-date nonfiction, of multiple copies of bestsellers that are no longer bestsellers (my library only needs, say, two copies of The Da Vinci Code, rather than eight), of books that just.  don't.  circulate.  We have limited space, people.  If we never got rid of anything, the collection would be wicked boring.

I've seen at least two other articles along these lines within the last few months.  I guess it's The New Thing to freak out about.