Ann Patchett at Clemson University.

I missed this when it happened.  Yow.

From the Atlantic:

Do they ask, “What would Lucy have said?”

Yes, exactly. What Would Lucy Do—WWLD?  And it’s true: Lucy would have torn them to kibble.  And with such articulate glee.  Lucy was just always up for a scrap. And she was so good at that.  I would have loved to see her take them apart. Thinking about that, actually, was helpful. When I was feeling sorry for myself afterwards—and I did feel sorry for myself—I finally stopped and thought, you know, why exactly does this hurt so much?  Who is being attacked here?  I ultimately realized those people at Clemson weren’t judging Lucy; they were judging me.  I think that also helped me feel like I wasn’t dragging her and her memory into something bad. One of the kids asked that question—“You talk about how so many people judged Lucy, but aren’t you just heaping more judgment onto her?”—which is such a funny way of thinking about things.  As if it were better not to bring things up for fear she might only be further judged.

(via the Guardian)

Two things: 

1.  Where do I start with Ann Patchett?  Because she's yet another author that I've been told again and again to read and yet... still haven't.

2.  She and the interviewer know that Go Ask Alice is fake, right?  Because it sounded like they didn't.