Kate DiCamillo wins Tulsa's Anne V. Zarrow Award.

From Tulsa World:

"As a kid, books were like a light in the wilderness for me. I can't pick just one person that was a hero for me," DiCamillo said.

"But in every library that I went into, some librarian could tell that I desperately needed extra attention, and they would give it to me. And I was allowed to check out as many books as I wanted to. . . . I know what it's like to live in a small town. I know what it's like to live in a single-parent home. I also know what it's like to find solace at a library," she said.

More here.  I don't know if I'd call Edward Tulane "delightful" -- more brutal and devastating until the happy ending -- but to each their own, I suppose.  (I say that as someone who came away from the book loving it, by the way.  But wow, was it rough.)