Warner Brothers: Still lame.

From the BBC:

A community group in the Indian city of Calcutta says it has been sued by JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books, for breach of copyright.

The group is building a huge replica of Hogwarts for the Durga Puja festival, so, of course, Warner Brothers and Penguin India are taking issue.  The statement from Warner Brothers sounds strikingly similar to the statements they released in regards to HPVII release parties:

"This event falls outside the guidelines set up by Warner Bros., JK Rowling and her publishers to help charitable and not-for-profit organizations to run small-scale themed events that protect fans and allow everyone to enjoy Harry Potter books, films and events in the spirit in which they were created," the statement said.

Because, you know, taking issue with this has SO MUCH to do with protecting the fans.

[Later:  A judge swats it down.  The festival organizers will not be fined.]