Golden Compass brouha.

  • I'm not giving this news the second 'ha' because I've been expecting it for so long.  (I wasn't even going to mention it, actually, but then I figured that there might be one or two of you out there who hadn't heard.)
  • So what do you think about the change they're making to the end of the movie?

I'm not feeling quite as Doom and Gloom as most of the commenters over at Bridge to the Stars (two book-to-film travesties in the same year would just be too much to handle), but I do think it's a stinker of a change. 

As a marketing move (in terms of pulling in new fans), I can sort of understand it -- I had a patron listen to the audiobook recently, and he said that while he was entranced by the story, he's not planning on continuing with the series because of what happened at the end of the book.  So I guess that they're trying to avoid scaring away newbies. 

But, wow.  I'm disappointed.