A few items on a busy morning.
• Before Green Gables gets a mixed review at the Guardian. I still don't think I can read it. We'll see. If the library gets it, maybe -- MAYBE -- I'll give it a go. But I doubt it.
• I finally watched the Doctor Who Season Three Finale. First off, I was glad that we found out what the deal was with Captain Jack's immortality and the Face of Boe revelation made me happy.
While I didn't have Brian's burning hatred (probably because I was forewarned) for the arc, I really didn't approve of the Master being Mr. Funny, and I really didn't approve of the Tinkerbell move. ("I do believe in the Doctor, I do, I do, I do!") I also could have done without the flying. I don't know if I buy the "I forgive you", either -- yes, the Master is the only other Time Lord out there, but that bit didn't really jive with the avenging angel Doctor we saw earlier in the season. Then again, he's a complicated guy.
• Last (for now), I can't stop listening to this album.