Very interesting. Verrrry interessssting.
Remember that Joy of Sexbusiness in Nampa, Idaho?
Yeah. Well, one of the board members, Bruce Skaug, has now resigned. According to the mayor (who appointed Skaug and the other two members of the board who voted to move the books to the library director's office), Skaug was "not a one-issue board member". But Skaug's words suggest otherwise:
“My short-term mission is accomplished,” Skaug said about his role in getting the books placed in the library director’s office where library patrons must ask for them. “Being a little bit of a lightning rod ... that was needed to get some changes, it’s just better that I’m gone from the library.”
Don't miss the section at the end of the article that covers a controversy-within-a-controversy: Skaug's anonymous comment on a Nampa blog. That couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the resignation, right?