Part-Time Indian has horrified some parents in IL.

From the Daily Herald:

The novel was chosen by a committee of English teachers at the high school and approved by department Chairman John Whitehurst. He defends the book and says the controversial passages need to be read in context.

"This book has positive life affirming values," Whitehurst said. "The main character is about the same age as our students. He's a really good kid adjusting to a new environment and looking to education as a way of getting ahead."

Whitehurst acknowledged the racier paragraphs but said the words are authentic.

It was originally required reading for all incoming freshman, but the school has introduced an alternate selection* for those who object to the language, etc. 

I think it's time to revisit that Alexie clip. (Any excuse, right?):


*The article mentions that the title is Down River, but I'm not sure if they mean the John Hart or if they mean Will Hobbs' Downriver.  (I'm assuming the Hart.)  I checked the school website, but the summer reading page hasn't been updated.