R.I.P. IV Challenge.

Rip iv banner Even though I'm sort of participating in a couple of challenges already (must get back to those), I can't resist this one:  Carl's 4th annual Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge.

From September 1st through October 31st, he's encouraging people to explore the Land of Spooky:  Mysteries.  Suspense.  Thrillers.  Dark Fantasies.  Gothics.  Horror.  The supernatural.

But as the challenge doesn't have rules other than to have fun, and share the links to your reviews (if you choose to write them), he decided to break the rules and start early.

And so will I.

I'll be pulling books from this pool (they're all from my TBR piles and from the milkcrate of library books I've been working through):

Summer of Fear, by Lois Duncan√
Poison Ink, by Christopher Golden
Look For Me By Moonlight, by Mary Downing Hahn√
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, by Katherine Howe√
Meridian, by Amber Kizer√
Never Slow Dance with a Zombie, by E. Van Lowe
A Deadly Game of Magic, by Joan Lowery Nixon
Prophecy of the Sisters, by Michelle Zink√

I mean, unless I decide to add something else.  Anyway, I'm shooting for four, but secretly (well, not so secretly now) hoping to read more of 'em than that.  Anyone else in?