Another problematic Bloomsbury cover.
When I wrote about Magic Under Glass, I didn't mention the discrepancy between the inside of the book and the outside of the book. In the book, Nimira is described as having "glossy black" hair, and she knows that the people of Lorinar see her as "dark and foreign" -- yet the cover art Bloomsbury came up with looked like this:
I don't have an excuse for not mentioning it -- I totally should have. But I was busy being vaguely disappointed in the book. And I told myself that it COULDN'T be happening again -- I mean, we'd JUST SEEN the end of the Liar situation. I even half-convinced myself that this wasn't the final cover art, because I'd seen another version online (which I just realized is the UK cover). Not that I can really tell if it's any better anyway:
So, here I am, bringing it up now that the book is officially out and I have no more semi-reasonable explanations for Keeping My Hope Alive. What gives, Bloomsbury? Why the white girl?
More at Reading In Color, Bookish Blather, GAL Novelty, and Bookshop. Oh, and the Book Smugglers (very positive) review of the book mentioned the issue way back in mid-December.