Books I'm DYING to read.
I shall keep this down to three, and those three shall be right off the top of my head:
The third book in D.M. Cornish's Monster Blood Tattoo series. (I thought it was going to be titled Factotum, but then I think I saw something about a series reboot in the States, so maybe it'll be called something else. (Question: HOW THE CRAP HAVE THESE BOOKS NOT CAUGHT ON HERE? ARE PEOPLE REALLY, TRULY UNAWARE OF THEIR UTTER AWESOMOSITY? Should 'awesomosity' have an 'e'? It didn't look right with an 'e'. Then again, it's not like it's a real word, so I guess I can spell it however the hell I want.)
Melina Marchetta's Finnikin of the Rock. I'm sure I don't need to explain myself.
Kiss in the Dark. (Otherwise known as: Scarlett Wakefield, #3.)
What should I be watching out for?
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