There I go again, judging books by their covers...
Okay, so this book cover has been popping up* in my feed reader a lot lately.
But then I noticed that the book is:
A) by Maria V. Snyder of the Study series (the first one was AWESOME, the second one was pretty good, the third one... eh) and
B) not about boxing or chemotherapy, which I, in my assiness, had assumed**.
So there's one more book to add to the teetering TBR pile in my head of books I don't own yet.
*I'm assuming that there's a blog tour or something going on. Usually when I see the same image over and over***, I chalk it up to a media blitz and glaze over -- so I could be wrong.
**It sounds more like a YA riff on Metropolis, actually. Sort of.
***To which I realize I am now contributing with this post, but what could I do? I can't miss an opportunity to talk about how much of an ass I am. Which explains why I post so frequently. Ba-dum ching!
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