Lit Rock; or, if I ever meet Michael Penn, I may have to kick his shins.

Okay, so I was at the grocery store yesterday morning¹, and, as per usual, the radio was set to the Earworm station.

And I ended up with That Song in my head, the one that I've always thought of as "Romeo in Black Jeans" or "Someone to Dance With", but which is actually called (as I learned when I got to work and looked it up so that I could share my pain with my poor, poor co-worker) "No Myth":

Anyway, he mentions not only Romeo, but Heathcliff.  I wouldn't dance with EITHER of them.  Disasters, both.

¹Because despite having been all responsible and making my lunch ahead of time, I managed to leave it on the kitchen counter.  Sigh.  Josh informed me that it was delicious.

A/VLeila RoyComment