One of my favorite young readers brought Salem's Lot back recently, and we we got to chatting.

Me:  It's been a while since I read that one -- didn't they make crucifixes out of Popsicle sticks?
Her:  Yeah, and other stuff, too.
Me:  I had some issues with Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake books, but I always thought that in those ones, it was a cool twist that crucifixes didn't work for atheists.
Her:  I'd just hold them off with my science book.  BACK, VAMPIRE!  I BELIEVE IN SCIENCE!!!

You know, I mock the Stephenie Meyer books left, right and sideways, but I have to give them credit:  BEFORE those books, that same patron wasn't much of a reader -- and now she panics if she doesn't have AT LEAST two back-up books in her backpack at all times.