YES! Yeeeeeeeeeeessssss!

I just discovered that Sherlock is, indeed, streaming at the PBS website.

I would have watched it last night, but we finished up Season Five of Supernatural instead. (Yes, I cried. Even though I know that Season Six is on right now, and that the whole crew is back, I cried anyway.) I'd watch Sherlock tonight, but I have to run Trivia Night tonight at the library, so I'll be home late, and WHY IS IT THAT WORK HAS TO INTERFERE WITH MY TELEVISION VIEWING? I'M UPSET PURELY BECAUSE OF THE LITERARY APPEAL OF THE SHOW, OF COURSE. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CUTE BOYS RUNNING AROUND, FIGHTING CRIME AND SOLVING MYSTERIES. YES, I'M STILL TALKING ABOUT SHERLOCK, THOUGH SEASON FIVE OF SUPERNATURAL GOT DISTINCTLY MILTONIAN AT MOMENTS. IS IT MILTONIAN OR MILTONION? I'M GOING WITH -IAN, BECAUSE THE LATTER LOOKS LIKE MILT-ONION, AND THAT FREAKS ME OUT.


Oh, look! Sesame Street cupcakes!