Diana Wynne Jones on...

...writing for adults vs. writing for children:

Once when I was doing a signing, a mother came in with her nine-year-old son and berated me for making The Homeward Bounders so difficult. So I turned to the boy to ask him what he didn't understand. "Oh, don't listen to her," he said. "I understood everything. It was just her that didn't." It was clear to both of us that his poor mother had given up using her brain when she read. Likewise, a schoolmaster who was supposed to be interviewing me for a magazine explained to me that he had tried to read Charmed Life and couldn't understand a word, which meant, he said, that it was much too difficult for children. So he didn't interview me. He was making the surface assumption, that children need things easy. But since I have never yet come across a child who didn't understand Charmed Life, it occurred to me that he was making the assumption about himself.