Factotum, Factotum, Factotum!

Factotum The third book in D. M. Cornish's Monster Blood Tattoo trilogy (which, confusingly, appears to have been re-named The Foundling's Tale when Penguin repackaged it) is due out on Thursday!

Because I'm pained* that the trilogy hasn't picked up the momentum that it deserves -- I think maybe partly because it doesn't appear fit into an easily marketable category, though the Steampunk Craze really should give it a push** -- I talked it up today over at Kirkus.


*Like, physically pained. To those of you who haven't read them: You're Anakin, I'm Padme, and YOU'RE. BREAKING. MY. <voice="excessively throbby">HEART</voice>.

**Another book in that category? Jenny Davidson's The Explosionist. That book is just plain awesome, and not nearly enough people have read it.