I shake my tiny fist* at you, Oprah.

Due to the awesomosity of A Tale of Two Cities, I had planned on reading Great Expectations next month, after all of my Cybils reading was done: BUT NOW OPRAH'S GONE AND PICKED IT AS HER NEXT READ! I can't read the SAME BOOK AS OPRAH'S BOOK CLUB! It's just not done!


*Not that I have tiny fists -- my hands are actually abnormally, monstrously large -- but that's what Josh says whenever he succeeds in reducing me to a quivering lump of inarticulate rage. (Usually achieved by pouncing on me as I blearily wander out of the bedroom on a Sunday morning and demanding, "So, what are we going to do today? Huh? Huh? What do you want to do?" At that point he's already had a pot of coffee and all I want to do is go back to bed.)