The YA SF/F Cybils shortlist has been decided...

...though it won't be announced until January 1st.

Like everyone else on the panel, I'm ecstatic about the inclusion of some of my personal favorites and still sniffling about the exclusion of some of my other beloveds. But that's the way serving as a panelist for the Cybils Awards goes.

Check out Tanita's post about our discussion for more details (but no titles!):

"And we also talked Zac Efron -- 'cause some of us NEEDED to,
And we also talked kokopelli -- because Leila needed to help me annoy Josh,
And we also talked plot and theme, explored predestined evil, discussed colonialism, and debated different endings, and what we would have done if we were writing the romantic elements of several novels."

And of course, don't forget to check back in for the announcement on the first!