If anyone hasn't been watching Downton Abbey...

DowntonAbbey ...do yourself a favor and get caught up. Because it's awesome. And also online.

Don't give me any of that "I can't watch Masterpiece Classic! It's for old people*!" garbage -- in Downton Abbey**, you get to see Maggie Smith and Harriet Jones, MP (you know, from Doctor Who) throw down, as well as two characters who are SO VERY NASTY that you will want to punch them in the throat. Meanwhile, you'll be rooting for Things To Turn Out for some of the others, and it's just awesome all round.

If you HAVE been watching it, and you've already watched Episode Four, DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING. All I know is that it's a cliffhanger. (Which is enough to make me want to kick something. I hate waiting.)


*And anyway, if you read this blog, you probably ARE old. Or old at heart. I should know. I made Josh buy a sweater vest yesterday.

**Why yes, I did order a copy for myself. What of it?