MOAR YA Mafia posts.


Oh, and in case anyone cares what I think... I like negative reviews. I like them as a blog reader, because I'll generally get more out of a thoughtful negative review than out of a gush-fest. And I like them as a blogger, because they force me to really sit down and pinpoint the aspect(s) of the book that I felt were unsuccessful.

Anyway. If a book doesn't work for me, I say so, and I explain why and how it didn't work for me. But I try* not to be, you know, a dick. Or, more succinctly, this:


I don't always succeed, I'm sure, but I do try.


*Unless I'm posting about John Grisham.



On the YA Mafia.
More on the YA Mafia.
Good lord. I just lost two hours.