Part-time Indian challenged in Massachusetts.

Part time indianThe use of Sherman Alexie's Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian in an 8th-grade English class has been challenged at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School.

From the article:

"I'm a Constitution guy. ... But the First Amendment doesn't say (that) freedom of speech means that a teacher can bring in whatever they want and assign it," said James Babineau, an eighth-grade parent who helped sound the alarm after reading the book and said that when he first approached administrators about it, they hadn't read it.

"I don't want it pulled out of the library. I just didn't think that it was eighth-grade appropriate," Babineau said.

It sounds like the whole situation is being handled quite calmly on all sides, and the school already had an opt-out plan in place.

So we'll see what happens...