The 2013 Morris finalists...

...have been announced, and I've only read one of the five.

Must! Get! Cracking!

They are:

After the Snow, by S.D. Crockett:

The pacing is good, the description strong, the characters believable, and the violence, while upsetting and gut-wrenching, isn't gratuitous. It's a vision of a post-apocalyptic future that touches on a lot of our current concerns—global warming, alternate energy, the oil crisis—while also taking a (pessimistic) stab at imagining what the global political landscape could look like in a few short decades.

Wonder Show, by Hannah Barnaby

Love and Other Perishable Items, by Laura Buzo

The Miseducation of Cameron Post, by emily m. danforth

Seraphina, by Rachel Hartman

Books -- YALeila RoyComment