On the Eighth Day of Christmas... Dairy Queen -- Catherine Gilbert Murdock

Dairy-QueenOn the Eighth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me eight maids-a-milking...

Well, OF COURSE I picked Dairy Queen for Day Eight. because D.J. Schwenk is awesome.

Can you imagine your true love giving you eight D.J. Schwenks? Eight crabby, stubborn, occasionally pigheaded, somewhat martyrous milkmaids? Each of whom single-handedly runs her family dairy farms while attending high school, going out for the football team, AND secretly training her high school rival's quarterback on the side?

I didn't think so.

Anyway, if you'd like, pop on through to read what I wrote about it way back when... or you could just save yourself the trouble and go request it from your library or buy a copy or whatever. Because it's a definite must-read—original, believable, stellar voice—for any fan of the YA contemporary.




Author page.




Book source: Bought.