Heartwarming Story of the Day: Book 'Em Cops and Kids Literacy Initiative.
From Delaware Online:
A group of Wilmington police officers has been blanketing the city in an effort to book kids – and the kids love it.
The books, in this case, are in the trunks of police cruisers. Master Cpl. Gary Tabor found children's literature had been missing in the homes he entered while he was a member of the department's major crime unit. He discussed it with his wife, Melissa, a school teacher, who told him about the importance of children having reading materials readily available.
Tabor grabbed 50 of his children's old books and began passing them out to children in the Riverside housing community, essentially starting the "Book 'Em Cops and Kids Literacy Initiative."
(Image from the article. There are loads more, including lots of pictures featuring kids actually, you know, LOOKING AT BOOKS, but this one just killed me.)