New YA: August 17-23.
New hardbacks:
Starlight's Edge (Timedance), by Susan Waggoner
False Future (A False Memory Novel), by Dan Krokos
Ghosting, by Edith Pattou
Storm Siren (The Storm Siren Trilogy), by Mary Weber
New paperbacks (that I've read):
Catherine, by April Lindner:
It’s not as atmospheric as Wuthering Heights—is anything?—but it’s got the same threads of star-crossed love, insanity, unfairness, classism and racism, and there are lots of plot parallels as well: Catherine’s journal, Heathcliff/Hence’s misunderstanding of a half-overheard conversation, his relationship with his adopted father and brother. As in Jane, Lindner changes the outer trappings of a familiar story while still preserving the bones and spirit of the original, and, also like Jane, it isn’t at all necessary to have read Brontë’s book to wholeheartedly enjoy this one.