Recent reads & so on.

In an attempt to stop staring at news updates on Twitter, I'm going to compile a list of some of the books I've talked about lately over at Kirkus and at Patreon. (Note! I'm just including posts that are about single books, not posts about comic issues or podcasts or short stories or television or movies or my ongoing Handmaid's Tale close read, etc.)

My GOAL is to NOT LOOK AT TWITTER AT ALL while I do this. Let's see if I can do it.

(Judging by how twitchy I'm already feeling—like, the notification bell is dinging away and WHAT IF I'M MISSING SOMETHING—I don't know if I'm going to make it.)

Recently, at Kirkus:

The Fashion Committee, by Susan Juby

I Believe in a Thing Called Love, by Maurene Goo

Eliza and Her Monsters, by Francesca Zappia

Gem & Dixie, by Sara Zarr

What Girls Are Made Of, by Elana K. Arnold

Done Dirt Cheap, by Sarah Nicole Lemon

The Mesmerist, by Ronald L. Smith

Recently, at Patreon:

Alice Paul and the Fight for Women's Rights, by Deborah Kops

Pink is for Blobfish, by Jess Keating

Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Super Women: Six Scientists Who Changed the World, by Laurie Lawlor

Lady Killers: Deadly Women Throughout History, by Tori Telfer

Memoir of Susie King Taylor: A Civil War Nurse, by Pamela Dell

Ghosts Beneath Our Feet, by Betty Ren Wright

Christina's Ghost, by Betty Ren Wright

The Midnight Mystery, by Betty Ren Wright

Florence Nightingale: The Courageous Life of the Legendary Nurse, by Catherine Reef

Weedflower, by Cynthia Kadohata


But holy cow, that was... not easy.

I'll try to put these together more often so they're more manageable. And also so that I don't have to be off Twitter for SUCH AN EXTENDED PERIOD OMG WHAT DID I MISS???