Mariah Fredericks.

Girl in the parkHer website/blog.

Her Twitter feed.

Titles I've written about:

The True Meaning of Cleavage (2003):

A lot of boppy teen-angsty high school books are really entertaining and have fun characters, but usually none of them (except sometimes--hopefully--the protagonist) are real people. (I mean, really. Lilly Moscovitz? There's not a whole lot there). The True Meaning of Cleavage does it right. The characters are real people; no one is completely, utterly awful, and no one is perfect.

Head Games (2004):

What Chrissy said.

The Girl in the Park (2012):

First up, a big THANK YOU to Mariah Fredericks for writing a Bad Boy character who [SPOILER] does NOT have a Heart of Gold, and who does NOT get romantically involved with the protagonist. THANK YOU. SERIOUSLY. The scene in the stairwell? Is horrifying. And very, very well done.

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