Today = BOSS.

So, the semester is in full swing, and the library has been MONDO busy (hence the severe lack of posting!), but this day has been so full of fun that I felt the need to share:

  • An ultra-polite student came in looking for a specific edition of Dante's Paradiso, bless his literature-loving heart, and was adorably delighted when I offered to ask the director to buy it for the library.
  • Another student came in looking for Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy because she'd heard it was a good one for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey. As she had some time to spare, I had her sit down with me at the Reference Desk, and we ended up putting in ILL requests for that and two more books... and, as I realized that my personal knowledge base is Seriously Lacking when it comes to Teh Erotica, I'm now reading up on that in order to put together a decent list of recommendations.
  • And third, a student who I helped out last week came in with a present for me: a teeny, tiny, perfect vole skull.

Anyway. It's been one of those bursting with happy sorts of days, so I felt the need to share.

I'll be back to regular posting and reviewing soon, hopefully!

Oh! Also. I added some Star Trek pins to my Etsy shop, and I adore them.

La la la la la.

Hope all is just as fabbity-fab in your neck of the woods.