S.D. Crockett.

Her website.Sd crockett

Her blog.

Her Goodreads author page.

Titles I've written about:

After the Snow (2012):

Although there are a couple of pretty amazing coincidences near the end of the story—the kind of coincidence that abruptly allows for the end of a story by neatly tying up major loose ends—and I don't know how believable I found Willo's decision to [SPOILER], for the most part, the book really works. The pacing is good, the description strong, the characters believable, and the violence, while upsetting and gut-wrenching, isn't gratuitous. It's a vision of a post-apocalyptic future that touches on a lot of our current concerns—global warming, alternate energy, the oil crisis—while also taking a (pessimistic) stab at imagining what the global political landscape could look like in a few short decades.

AuthorsLeila RoyComment