Martha Schabas.

Martha schabasNo website! Shocking!

Her Goodreads author page.

No Twitter feed! Also shocking!

Titles I've written about:

Various Positions (2012):

It's beautifully written. That should already be apparent from the excerpt above. But it's not just in the way that Schabas strings her words together. It's in the depth of emotion, and in Schabas' complete honesty. Georgia is a sharp observer—which is fitting in a book so full of cruel truths—but she doesn't always understand what she observes; she's extremely self-aware, but doesn't always understand her own feelings; she's very composed on the surface, but her insides are a mass of confusion. She's a difficult—for herself, those who know her, and those of us in the audience—mixture of mature and immature, understanding and confusion.

AuthorsLeila RoyComment