April 1, 2013: April Fools' Day.

Disreputable history of frankie landau banksI'm not a huge fan of April Fools' Day.

Partly, of course, because I am old and crotchety and I HATE FUN, but mostly because, for me, it still carries a tinge of hold-over feeling from late elementary/early middle school: where people would use April Fools' Day as an excuse to just be mean.

Like, trip someone down the stairs and then sing out, "APRIL FOOLS'!"*


ANYWAY, THOUGH, in a more POSITIVE, HAPPY VEIN, in The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, Frankie pulls off lots of pranks, and they are the sort of pranks that are way fun to read about. So without further ado, I shall point you back to my post about it:

It doesn't take long for Frankie to realize that Matthew is involved in the all-male secret society that her father always goes on about, though Matthew has never said anything about it to her. His failure to include her in that part of his life is one of the things that sparks another big change in Frankie: that of her refusal to accept situations she is unsatisfied with.

So she sets out to take over the Loyal Order of the Bassett Hound.


*No, that is not something that happened to me. But you get the drift, I think.