April 9, 1990: Kristen Stewart is born.

Dust and decay Rot and ruinWhile Kristen Stewart is—to her slight dismay*, I suspect, judging by some of the comments she's made over the years—best known for playing Bella Swan in the Twilight franchise, she ALSO starred in the film adaptation of Speak and had a cameo in Jumper. Other appearances in literary adaptations: The Safety of Objects, Zathura, Into the Wild, and the recent On the Road movie. Even the Joan Jett movie was based on a book.

Oh, and she was in that borderline-incomprehensible Snow White and the Huntsman movie, too. (Which we watched, because, c'mon: Charlize Theron, Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins, and Nick Frost? Love them all.)

ANYWAY, even though Adventureland WASN'T based on a book, it's my favorite of the KStew movies I've seen. In its honor, I was PLANNING on featuring David Lubar's Dunk or Neal Schusterman's Full Tilt, but apparently I've never written about either. Shocking! So instead, I shall point you to my posts about Rot & Ruin and Dust & Decay, in which the fun-sounding "Gameland" is actually a dangerous and horrible place run by people with nefarious (but profitable!) motives.

And now I am reminded that I need to read Flesh & Bone. MY WORK HERE IS NEVER DONE.

Other fave amusement park-ish reads?


*Though I'm sure that her dismay is alleviated whenever she looks at her bank statement. If she ever even bothers looking at her bank statement. She probably has people to do that for her?