Boy Meets Boy is ten years old.

Boy-meets-boyFrom an essay by David Levithan at Out magazine:

We wrote the books for ourselves, and we wrote the books for the teenagers who came after us, the teenagers we would never get to be again. There’s a great line in “Canon,” a poem in Talking in the Dark, where the narrator says of a trip to the library, “You pace by the aisle until it’s empty, read that anthology in a safe corner, embarrassed by the cover, though there’s really nothing threatening about it. And then there are those first loves: Auden, Doty, Whitman. They say, Here is the world. Here. It’s yours and it’s all right.” We had each, in our way, found this sustenance, but we had largely done it in secret. Now it was time to do it with everybody watching.

It's a lovely piece, and a must read.