No Star for You!

No star for youAs I always get a giggle out of Travis Jonker's One Star Review Guess Who posts, I figured I'd swipe the idea and post the occasional one-star Amazon review of a much-lauded YA title.

So, can you guess what book this disappointed reader is reviewing?:

Do not be fooled by the positive reviews!!! I am a lover of literature... As a doctoral student I take pleasure in doing some light reading in young adult literature. Books such as "The Golden Compass", "A Wrinkle in Time" "Eragon", "The Tale of Despereaux", and the Chronicles of Narnia are delightful and engaging reads. Unfortunately this book does not fall into that category. I had very high hopes for this book, but those hopes were all but dashed by this dreadful book. I understand where the author was tyring to go with the story, but at no point does he make it to his goal. First if you are thinking of buying this for a young adult reader in your life DON'T! Both you and the youth will be dissapointed in the choice. The premise of this book lies way beyond the insight of a young adult reader. The language was not a problem for me, but I believe would bore all the most intellectual young readers. The plot of the story drags on page after page, never really going anywhere. My high hopes for this book were not met, and while I think the author has a lot of potential it was not revealed in this novel. I would not recommend this book to anyone.

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