Today @KirkusReviews...

Eternity Cure...I wrote about Julie Kagawa's The Eternity Cure, which is the sequel to The Immortal Rules.

While it'll totally go over well with fans of the first one, I had mixed feelings:

Unlike Bella Swan, who is immediately really, really good at being a vampire, Allie is extremely conflicted about what she is and has to struggle with her bloodlust all the time. Also, while many YA paranormals feature human protagonists (usually female) who get involved with supernatural love interests (usually male), this series reverses both of those elements. Really, how many other vampire heroines are there? Heroines, mind you, not just major players—in other words, in The Hunger, Catherine Deneuve doesn’t count, and Susan Sarandon would be a stretch—so the only two I can think of are Selene from the Underworld movies, and Mina Murray in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics....Let me know if you think of others.

Sidenote: Am I the only one who keeps referring to this book as The Eternity Code? Because I've had to edit it over to 'Cure' EVERY SINGLE TIME I've typed the title.

Relatedly: The author on the changes to the cover art.