Some new YA imprints!

Debutante hillYou've probably already heard about Lizzie Skurnick's imprint at Ig Publishing, but have you seen what the actual books look like?

That's one of them -->

I LOVE. I can't decide if it looks familiar because I've seen the actual cover somewhere around the interwebs, or if it looks familiar because Ig has so perfectly captured THE LOOK of old-school YA novels.

And if you click through and look at all of them together, it's just a GORGEOUS SIGHT.

I want them all, and you'd better believe that they're all getting shelved together under the imprint name, rather than separately under the various author names. (On my shelves at home, I mean. That wouldn't work in the library, obvs.)

The only thing that would make the imprint cooler would be if they launched a subscription service. THAT WOULD BE BOSS.


ALSO in the pipeline is Ravenstone, from Rebellion Publishing, and Black Sheep, from Akashic Books.

Info via this article.