Yesterday @KirkusReviews...

Black spring...I wrote about Alison Croggon's Black Spring, which I loved:

This is Lina’s story, and this is Anna’s story. It’s not so much Damek’s story. He’s an integral part, of course, but yes: For once, Wuthering Heights is about someone other than Heathcliff. Don’t get me wrong! Lina, like Catherine Earnshaw, is not a hugely likable character: She’s entitled and mercurial, prone to tantrums, violent rages, and more frightening, to rageless, borderline-sociopathic violence. But she’s also charming (when it suits), quick to jump to the defense of others (also when it suits) and above all, she’s the product of her environment. While that certainly doesn’t excuse her behavior, it makes her much easier to empathize with: ...while every human being desires to be loved, perhaps we crave understanding more.

And, yes, I added it to my ongoing list of Wuthering Heights re-writes.