Kidlitcon 2013: Who's going?

I am!

After my absolutely fantastic experience last year—the very first time I was able to get it together and actually ATTEND—I vowed that I would never miss one again. It was such a profoundly excellent experience that when I got home, Josh picked up on my happy-buzzy-excited energy and said, "WELL, THEN. CLEARLY WE NEED TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU GO EVERY YEAR FROM NOW ON."

It was THAT much fun, THAT inspiring, THAT reinvigorating, and THAT... just AWESOME to spend a few days with a bunch of people who're just as passionate about kidlit and the kidlit world as I am. (Not to mention FINALLY meeting folks that I'd known online for years and years and years now. As well as people who were NEW to me. I just loved it.)

I just registered, so the second weekend in November, I will be in (hopefully) sunny Austin. Will I see you there?

See the official announcement here, as well as the call for program proposals.

And posts from Betsy Bird and Jen Robinson.