Challenged in New York: Nasreen's Secret School and The Librarian of Basra.

From WBNG12:

Johnson City, NY (WBNG Binghamton) When Johnson City parent Jeannette Farr saw what her eight-year-old daughter was reading, she was shocked.

Illustrations of soldiers bombing villages, and terrorists kidnapping a girls father were just a few of the details Farr couldn't believe her third-grader was reading.

"It's scary. We don't have guns in our house, my kids don't see guns, my kids don't watch the news," Farr said.


Although each story has a positive message, Farr says the illustrations are too much.

"I was surprised at how graphic the photos were," she said.

She even suggested banning the books, at least for elementary school students.

Not that anyone is infallible, but SLJ suggests both books for grades 2-4 and Booklist suggests Nasreen for grades 2-4 and Basra for grades 3-5. Anyway. Yes, fine: if a parent chooses to not have guns in the house and to avoid the news, that's her choice, etc., etc. But to expect an entire classroom—an entire SCHOOL—to conform to one's own personal worldview is just ridiculous.

No one person is the center of the universe, and in the Heat of the Moment, I think we all tend to occasionally forget that.