More links about the DFTBA/Sexual Abuse situation.

  • Rose Doctors: A Summary of Events Surrounding Tom Milsom and Subsequent Revelations.
  • The Fangirl: Don't Forget To Be A Sexual Predator! The YouTube/DFTBA Sexual Abuse Scandal!
  • The Fangirl: The Youtube/Nerdfighter Sexual Abuse Scandal Update!
  • Carrie Mesrobian: This Is Very Upsetting. "Hank Green’s video, “Sex, Consent & Culture” is way too glib to be of much help when it comes to a) consent b) sexual abuse and its complicated cultural components."
  • A Chair, A Fireplace & a Tea Cozy: Power and Policies and Ages. "I could write about so many parts of this: power dynamics, sexuality, emotional growth. Instead, I urge you to follow the links to read the stories of the teenage girls, in their own words, as they grew up and realized the manipulation and abuse that was happening."
  • And there's a HUGE round-up of related links at Unpleasant Myles.
  • Another one at Erika Lynae.


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