Afternoon links.

  • From the WaPo: How ‘Harry Potter’ fans won a four-year fight against child slavery. "It’s the sort of victory that, in the past, might have been the result of a pressure campaign by trade advocates or union groups, employing the language of globalization and living wages. But Warner Bros.’ commitment to new standards for cocoa production grew out of pressure from and dialogue with “Harry Potter” devotees who wanted to see the franchise live up to the ideals their fictional hero fought for. The win comes after four years of organizing. And it’s a fascinating symbol of what activism might look like when it’s animated by fiction rather than political parties and when fans form coalitions with devoted advocates."
  • At the AV Club: Idris Elba is developing a thriller trilogy about Edgar Allan Poe. "Idris Elba isn’t too busy with Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Finding Dory, and The Jungle Book to do a little producing on the side. According to Variety, Elba’s production company, Green Door, is developing a trilogy based on Marc Olden’s Poe Must Die."
  • At Zetta Elliott's blog: 2014 African American MG & YA Fiction. BOOKMARK!
  • At the Guardian: #blacklivesmatter voted 2014’s word of the year in US. "The campaigning Twitter hashtag #blacklivesmatter has been voted the word of 2014 by the linguistic experts who form the American Dialect Society."
  • At NB Books Live: Watch the Book Trailers for the Winners of the 2013 Sanlam Awards for Youth Literature: African Languages. "The prestigious biennial Sanlam Awards for Youth Literature features three categories – English, Afrikaans and African Languages – inviting entries from all 11 official languages in South Africa and celebrating local authors."
  • At File 770: Viewing the Remains of Bradbury’s Home. "Last Friday I got a panic call from one of Ray Bradbury’s old family friends, an English professor, back East. He learned that Ray’s sunny yellow house was being razed. Once the security fence went up we knew. In Los Angeles a home that cost $1,765,000 is considered a tear down. Very quickly I received emails from others begging me for photos of the sad event. In only one day half of the house was gone."
  • At the Horn Book: Graphic-novel memoirs. "The creators of these graphic-novel memoirs use words and pictures to revisit experiences from their youth. Their work relates sometimes-difficult, sometimes-comical stories with poignancy, bittersweet humor, and expressive art."
  • At Jacket Copy: The Story Prize announces 2014 finalists. "The three finalists for the 2014 Story Prize were announced Monday morning. Now in its 11th year, the Story Prize awards $20,000 for a collection of short fiction -- twice the amount of the National Book Award. The two runners-up each receive $5,000."
  • At the Seattle Times: Pacific Northwest Book Awards announcedJackaby and The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender are both on the list.
  • Vaguely controversial link: Are you pro-glitter or anti-glitter? The debate rages on! (link via @catagator)
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