Kat and Meg Conquer the World, by Anna Priemaza

Kat and Meg Conquer the World, by Anna Priemaza

Kat and Meg Conquer the World, by Anna Priemaza

From my Kirkus column about Kat and Meg Conquer the World, by Anna Priemaza:

Kat and Meg, meanwhile, features a couple of romances, but is much more about female friendship. Priemaza creates two very different young women—Kat, a new-to-town introvert who struggles with powerful panic attacks, and Meg, a lived-here-forever extrovert who is secretly worried that her ADHD will eventually drive away everyone she has ever loved or even liked—and throws them together via one of my favorite tropes of all-time: the year-long group assignment.

Priemaza does a wonderful job of showing how Kat and Meg support, complement, and inspire growth and change and understanding in one another; she draws parallel after parallel between their experiences and situations without ever being too on-the-nose; she allows them to, again and again and again, choose to put their friendship first.